Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Never Fail Raw Milk Yoghurt Tuesday 28th November 2017

 A couple of years ago I changed my method of yoghurt making and this one works every time with a delicious result. I can do it very quickly, leave it to incubate all day or all night and then put it in the fridge to firm up.
First I use about a cup of skim milk powder to achieve the thick consistency I am looking for. Add raw milk almost to the top of the container and mix well.  Heat in the microwave for 2 minutes 40 seconds. 

Add yoghurt culture ( keep in freezer) and mix well.

  Pour boiling water into the container so that it comes level with the top of the yoghurt pot. 

Put the lid on and leave to incubate. It takes about 12 hours but you can speed it up a bit if you replace the water with some very hot tap water once the original has cooled down.
 I especially love the creamy bit on the top!

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